The very first GWCT and Natural England Farmer Clusters Conference took place at the Royal Geographical Society on 12th October 2017 and was a great success.
Slides from presentations
- Chairman's Welcome: Andrew Sells, Natural England Chairman >
- Making Even More Space for Nature: Sir John Lawton >
- Setting the Scene, telling the story: Teresa Dent CBE, GWCT CEO >
- A Cluster Farmer's Experience: Rob Shepherd, Allenford Farmers’ Cluster Group
- East Suffolk Facilitation: AJ Paul, Broxtead Estate, Sutton >
- Herding Cats in the Upper Wensum: Heidi Smith, Group Facilitator, Norfolk FWAG >
- Landscapes for Wild Pollinators: Jennie Stafford, GWCT >
- Upper Nidderdale Facilitation Fund: Tara Challoner >
- Farmer Clusters - Trendy gimmick or a sustainable solution? Peter Thompson, GWCT >
- Farmer Clusters - Reflections on an approach and implications for environmental delivery post-Brexit: James Phillips, Natural England >