30 October 2024

Corvid Control Course, Perthshire

  • Location / Venue:Perthshire
  • Date / Time: 30 October 2024
  • Organiser:Felix Meister
  • Telephone:01312 027670
  • Price: £75.00
  • Places available 30

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With significant changes to tunnel trapping legislation now in place throughout the UK, this popular course keeps trappers fully up to date with both legal and humane control issues. The session will address the legal aspects of the various trapping methods for stoat, weasel and rodent control employed by keepers and wildlife managers as well as the equipment required and best practice advice.

The Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Act 2024, makes it illegal to use certain traps to kill or take a wild bird or mammal without a licence. To obtain a licence, all trap operators will be required to complete a Scottish Government approved training course.