5 May 2023

Practical Conservation for Scotland’s Grouse

  • Location / Venue:Balhousie Castle, Perth
  • Date: 5 May 2023
  • Time: 10:00AM to 5:00PM
  • Telephone:07935 383992
  • Price: £25
  • Places available 76

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A full day ‘in-person’ symposium jointly hosted by the GWCT and the World Pheasant Association, examining the conservation of Scotland’s four grouse species – red grouse, black grouse, capercaillie and ptarmigan.

This stimulating event will examine the main issues and threats facing these iconic species and the vital role they play in the biodiversity of our woodlands and uplands.

A line-up of expert speakers and commentators will examine each species in detail in the context of the challenges they face, both emerging and in the future and the opportunities that we have and steps we must take to support their success or, indeed, survival.

Tickets are £25 (morning refreshments and lunch included) For  more information call the World Pheasant Association on 07935 383992 or email office@pheasant.org.uk.


0930: Arrival & Registration. Tea & Coffee
1000: Welcome & Introduction – Hugo Straker (Head of Advisory, GWCT Scotland), Keith Chalmers-Watson (WPA and morning Chair)
1010: Words from Hampden & Co – David Bell (Banking Director. Hampden & Co.)
1020: Tartan Strongholds for Black Grouse – Patrick Laurie (Farmer, Conservationist and Author)
1045: Look High for Ptarmigan – Dr Kathy Fletcher (GWCT Upland Research, Scotland)
1110: Coffee Break
1130: Tackling Tick – Matthew Colston (Elanco Animal Health)
1155: Louping Ill: Surveillance and Vaccine Development – Dr Beth Wells (Moredun Research Institute)
1220: The Wildlife Management & Muirburn (Grouse) Bill – Ross Ewing (Director of Moorland. SLE)
1245: Listen to Science: The GWCT Solution – Ian Coghill (Past Chair, GWCT)
1310: LUNCH

Afternoon Chair – Rory Kennedy (Director, GWCT Scotland)

1350: View from Heather Roots – Bruce Cooper (Specialist Land Management Consultant)
1415: Evidence; the Key Ingredient – Dr Nick Hesford (GWCT Advisor, Scotland)
1430: The Caper Conundrum – Professor Neil Metcalfe (University of Glasgow)
1500: Collective Action for Capercaillie – Rory Kennedy
1520: Closing Remarks – Rory Kennedy
1530: Symposium close

Generously sponsored by Hampden and Co.