You are invited to join the 25-year celebration Open Day of farming and environmental research
at the Allerton Project, the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust’s groundbreaking research and
demonstration farm at Loddington, Leicestershire.
FREE ENTRY - Wednesday 28 June 2017
Hosted by Sir James Paice, Allerton Project Chairman, and the Allerton Project Team
The day includes a guided farm walk and light lunch

The Allerton Project originally set out to quantify the benefits of game management on farmland for meeting wider environmental objectives.
Over the last 25 years, it has developed a wide-ranging research programme in collaboration with universities and other research organisations from the UK and internationally, with partnerships with government agencies and industrial sponsors. The Project has a comprehensive training and demonstration programme encompassing game, wildlife and farm management.
The award-winning Eco-Visitor Centre welcomes 4,000 people a year attending workshops and demonstrations. Our scientists are researching a wide range of topics including zero-till crop establishment, soil improvement, the effect of predation on farmland birds, pollinators, water quality and catchment research, cover and catch crops, and agroforestry, the results of which contribute significantly to national environmental policy. The education programme includes the BASIS-accredited Certificate in Conservation Management and the Big Farmland Bird Count.
Throughout the Open Day, which is free to attend, there will be a series of timed walks around the farm hosted by members of the Allerton Project team, providing an opportunity to see the agricultural and environmental research and to hear first-hand about the successes that have been achieved by the GWCT over the last 25 years.
This event is run in collaboration with Agricology
Agricology is a community of farmers, growers and researchers, sharing knowledge and experiences to build viable and sustainable farming systems. With over 10,000 farmers now engaged in the project, Agricology hosts web-based resources, farmer profiles, blogs, newsletters, social media and exchanges in the field to promote practical, sustainable farming, regardless of labels.