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Sustaining Ecosystems: English Grouse Moors
Appendix 1: Clean air
Appendix 2: Clean and plentiful water
Appendix 3: Thriving plants and wildlife
Appendix 4: Reducing risk of harm from environmental hazards
Appendix 5: Mitigating and adapting to climate change
Tinling, M.A., West, J.J., Cascio, W.E., et al. 2016. Repeating cardiopulmonary health effects in rural North Carolina population during a second large peat wildfire.
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Graham, A.M., Pope, R.J., Pringle, K.P., et al. 2020. Impact on air quality and health due to the Saddleworth Moor fire in northern England.
Environmental Research Letters
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Liu, X., Huey, L.G., Yokelson, R.J., et al. 2017. Airborne measurements of western U.S. wildfire emissions: Comparison with prescribed burning and air quality implications.
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