Charitable Trusts and Foundations

As a registered charity, the GWCT relies mainly on fundraising from the private sector.

Your membership subscriptions and donations allow us to do all the important work reported in Gamewise and elsewhere, but much of our fundraising also comes from charitable trusts and foundations. Such donations can range from large one-offs of tens of thousands of pounds to more modest annual donations of £1,000 but made every year. It all adds up and helps to support our work.

For example, our work on the origins of woodcock shot in the UK and on investigating the role of predation on lapwing, woodland birds and farmland birds by grey squirrels and crows has all been funded by charitable trusts and foundations.

Do you have or know of a charitable trust that could support our valuable work? Do you know of a trustee who sympathises with our work?

Can you help?

If you can help us in any way to continue our valuable work, please contact Lynn Field by email on or call Lynn on 01425 651025 or Corinne on 01425 651012