It’s been a while since we last updated you on the whereabouts of our satellite-tagged woodcock.
Movement tends to be limited once the birds reach their breeding grounds and whilst breeding season is probably now over, the birds won’t begin their autumn movement for a month or two.

As the map above shows, six of our tagged birds have made it as far east as Russia with Smithy traveling furthest, 3569km from Somerset.
Seven birds have travelled to Scandinavia, with Knepp flying furthest north into Finland, having zig-zagged her way up from Sussex via Poland, Germany and Latvia.
And then of course there are the migratory woodcock that don’t migrate!
You can check out our interactive map here to get all the latest locations for each of our birds.
The good news is we are still receiving plenty of location data suggesting the solar-powered tags are in good working order. We’ll be sure to update you with any significant movements as they happen.