
An update for game managers operating in or within 500m of EU designated sites

In England, gamebird releasing on and near Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs) is governed by General Licences (GL43 and GL45 respectively). Defra informed stakeholders on 21st March that GL43 will be published in the next couple of weeks. However, GL45 will not be released this year, meaning that individual licences must be sought for those wanting to release gamebirds on SPAs.

Defra stated that GL45 will not be issued owing to the current high Avian Influenza risk levels, which means it is not possible to rule out the risk of HPAI spreading to the internationally protected birds present on SPAs.

Defra indicated that shoots will be able to apply for an individual licence for the release of gamebirds on SPAs from Natural England and will provide further information on individual licensing when available. We will pass this information on as soon as we have it. Applications for individual licences to release on SPAs will be assessed on their merits by Defra, following advice from Natural England, and applicants should be aware that an individual licence is not guaranteed.

Dr Roger Draycott, Director of Advisory commented ‘the news that GL45 will not be issued in 2025 will cause significant uncertainty for affected game managers. We urge Defra to publish Individual Licensing arrangements as soon as possible, to provide certainty to the sector and ensure the significant conservation benefits that can arise on sustainably managed game shoots can continue to be delivered’. For further information, see Gamebirds: licences to release them - GOV.UK or contact advisory@gwct.org.uk or call 01425 651013.


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