
Help us save the Grey Partridge

Jasper -brennberger2Photo by Jasper Brennberger

By Dr Andrew Hoodless, GWCT Head of Research

I'm writing today about a cause that is close to our hearts at the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust. The grey partridge, not only our emblem but also a vital biodiversity indicator species, is in urgent need of help.

Since the 1980s, the grey partridge population has plummeted by a staggering 94%, leaving it virtually extinct in many parts of the UK.

With your support, we can change this to ensure a future for grey partridge in Great Britain >

The alarming decline mirrors the broader challenges faced by farmland wildlife: insufficient insect food for chicks, inadequate nesting and winter cover, and escalating predation.

Yet, there is hope. Research-driven conservation efforts by the GWCT have shown that targeted actions can significantly boost local grey partridge numbers. However, setbacks, such as the wet summer of 2012, have kept populations at perilously low levels.

To reverse this trend, we must intensify our efforts. Our work has proven that with safe nesting sites and ample food, grey partridges can quickly recover.

But we need your support to extend these practices across the countryside.

Could you help us by donating today? Your contribution is crucial to providing farmers and land managers with the guidance they need to protect and boost grey partridge populations. Every donation, big or small, plays a part in this vital mission.

Please donate today to support our efforts in advising farmers on how to restore the grey partridge population.

Together, we can make a difference.

Please Donate →


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