As part of Defra’s efforts to protect hedgerows in England, they launched a consultation in June to gather your views and suggestions. So far, around 2,000 people have responded to the survey.
The consultation will close on 20 September, so there is still time for you to have your say and help shape the future of hedgerow policy.
What Defra are consulting on
Defra want your feedback on how to maintain and improve the current rules for hedgerow management, how to enforce them effectively, and what the long-term vision for hedgerow policy should be.
At present, farmers must not remove important hedgerows, must not cut or trim hedgerows during the bird breeding season, and must keep a buffer strip along their hedgerows.
Defra are proposing to replicate these measures in domestic law:
- To require a ‘buffer strip’ of 2 metres from the centre of a hedgerow to protect its integrity
- To prohibit cutting hedgerows during the bird breeding season to protect key bird species
Defra also want feedback on whether to introduce civil sanctions (non-criminal penalties and notices) as a way of enforcing these measures.
You can find more details in the consultation document.
How to respond
The consultation is open until 20 September and you can take part here.
Defra are looking for responses from everyone who has an interest in hedgerows: from farmers and stakeholder groups, to members of the public.
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