The newly launched Sustainable Futures Report 2023, published by the National Federation of Young Farmers’ Clubs (NFYFC), shares insights on how new entrants and next-generation farmers can overcome key barriers to working in the industry.
The report was written in response to NFYFC’s Route to Success survey that was released earlier in 2023. The survey raised many concerns, not least that more than 70% of respondents thought it would be difficult or impossible for new entrants to enter the farming industry, and Sustainable Futures counters that with a series of positive examples of ways young farmers can progress their careers.
One key factor is the changing role of farming alongside environmental goals. The GWCT’s Joe Stanley, Head of Training & Partnerships at the Allerton Project, notes that young farmers entering the industry in the 2020s will have a very different experience to preceding generations, but this needn’t be a bad thing. The Allerton Project has demonstrated that modern, productive farming can sit alongside a thriving natural environment, and these lessons can be an inspiration to those moving into farming in the age of natural capital.
The report also contains insights include from George Dunn, Chief Executive of the Tenant Farmers’ Association (TFA) and Cameron Hughes, Land Use Policy Advisor at the CLA, as well as pieces from Oxbury Bank, Harper Adams University, the NSA, the NFU and the National Parks Partnerships.
You can download your copy here.
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