Help the industry defend and maintain sustainable practises by answering some questions about your approach to controlling rats and at the same time grab a chance of winning a £250 cash prize.
To have a chance to win complete this survey by hitting the button below to start and don’t forget to leave your contact details at the end:
Take Survey >
(Please wait for few moments for the page to load – with skips and multiple choice options it should be quick, easy and interesting to complete on a phone).
The survey is anonymous and we will not attribute answers to individuals or use your personal information without your permission. The survey and prize draw will be open until 30th June 2023.
For full details about the prize draw and GDPR please go here.
“This is an important national project to help the industry asses, anticipate and defend sustainable practises. Last run in 2020 we are looking to update the picture in 2023 in an easy to complete reduced format and again welcome the fantastic support of gamekeepers across the country.”
Mike Heisig, Project Director and Director, StorySeeds Ltd