The main issues and threats facing Scotland’s four iconic grouse species and the vital role they play in the biodiversity of our woodlands and uplands are the subject of a symposium taking place at Balhousie Castle, Perth, on Friday 5 May 2023 organised by the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust and the World Pheasant Association. The event is generously supported by Hampden & Co.
A line-up of expert speakers will examine each species - red grouse, black grouse, capercaillie and ptarmigan - in the context of the challenges they face, both emerging and in the future, and the opportunities that we have and steps we must take to support their success or, indeed, survival.
Among the speakers for the morning session are:
- Patrick Laurie, farmer, author and conservationist, speaking on tartan strongholds for black grouse
- Dr Kathy Fletcher, GWCT, on ptarmigan; Matthew Colston of Elanco Animal Health on tackling tick
- Dr Beth Wells of the Moredun Research Institute on Louping ill and vaccine development
- Ross Ewing, Director of Moorland, Scottish Land and Estates on political engagement with the uplands
- Ian Coghill, GWCT, urging us to “listen to the science”.
In the afternoon delegates will hear from:
- Bruce Cooper, specialist land management consultant on red grouse and waders
- Dr Nick Hesford, GWCT, on the vital role of evidence gathering through the Epicollect mobile app
- Professor Neil Metcalfe, University of Glasgow, speaking about the capercaillie conundrum
- Rory Kennedy, Director GWCT Scotland, calling for collective action for capercaillie.
Hugo Straker of GWCT, organiser of the event says: “We are extremely lucky to have this level of expertise all in one place on one day to discuss what are four absolutely essential species in Scotland’s rich biodiversity tapestry. If the future of these species matters or is of any interest to you then this stimulating event provides a unique focus to find out more about the positive opportunities and actions that need to be grasped.”
Tickets are £25 (morning refreshments and lunch included). Book online now >