Defra’s Higher Tier of Countryside Stewardship program offers multi-year management options and capital items for environmentally important sites, including commons and woodlands. In this guide, we'll walk you through the application process and provide updates on the current status of applications.
What is the Higher Tier of Countryside Stewardship?
The Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier grants are designed to support complex management tasks in environmentally significant areas. Whether it's creating or restoring habitats, improving woodlands, or other essential initiatives, this tier offers the tools and resources needed to make a substantial impact.
Assessing Applications
Applications for the Higher Tier agreement are competitive, and Defra ensures that only the highest quality applications move forward. Once received by the Rural Payments Agency (RPA), the applications are assessed by a Natural England or Forestry Commission adviser who provides support to farmers and land managers in developing their final application.
Important Note for Woodland Applications
If you're applying for a Higher Tier agreement specifically for woodland, it's essential to have a Forestry Commission approved Woodland Management Plan that covers all the woodland areas included in your agreement.
Number of Applications and Next Steps
This year, Defra received 758 applications for the Higher Tier, an increase of 268 from the previous year. Out of these, 560 applications (74%) have been selected to proceed to the next stage. This promising development is expected to bring over 35,000 hectares of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) land under favorable management.
For applicants whose applications were not accepted, Defra will be in touch to provide further advice. They will also encourage these individuals to consider applying for the Mid Tier offer or exploring capital works grants that support specific habitat creation or restoration projects.
Woodland management applications also experienced a significant increase, with 491 applications received. Out of these, 435 woodland-only applications have been selected to move forward. Applicants who were not successful will receive communication from the RPA explaining the reasons behind the decision.
Evolving the Higher Tier Offer
Defra plan to continually improve and expand the Higher Tier offer. They aim to enable more farmers and land managers to undertake ambitious actions on their land, delivering greater environmental outcomes. Plans include introducing a wider range of options aligned with their Environmental Improvement Plan and broadening the eligibility of existing options.
Support and Guidance
Defra are actively working on enhancing local join-up, spatial targeting, and rewarding outstanding results. Additionally, they encourage applications for smaller areas and habitats, fostering a focus on delivering the right agreement for each farmer or land manager.
Transitioning from Higher Level Stewardship
If you're currently enrolled in the Higher Level Stewardship agreement and considering a transition to Countryside Stewardship, Defra has provided detailed guidance to help you explore equivalent options available under the Countryside Stewardship scheme.
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