11/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog under: Events , Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
The Upland Research Group of the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust would like to invite you to their Northern England Grouse Seminar, which is to be held on February 28th 2023.
11/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT Wales
Thank you all for your help throughout 2022 in raising the profile of the great outcomes achievable from positive game management and the actions which have come from this research and actions developed by the Trust over the last 91 years.
10/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog under: Farming
There were some welcome announcements in Mark Spencer’s speech to the Oxford Farming Conference, primarily in Defra’s acknowledgement that many of the costs associated with Countryside Stewardship have increased dramatically in recent years. However, it remains incredibly frustrating that farmers were once again left with only promises for future clarity on the new Environmental Land Management Scheme.
10/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog under: Policy , GWCT in the media
This Monday (9 January), the Petitions Committee debated a recent e-petition calling for a ban on the use of snares. Nick Fletcher, who brought the petition, gave a detailed account of how a humane cable restraint, pioneered by the GWCT, differs from a traditional snare.
10/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog under: Advice , Pheasants & Releasing , Avian Flu
On Monday 9th January 2023 the National Avian Influenza Protection Zones (AIPZ’s) that cover England, Scotland and Wales, were all amended to include new mandatory requirements for those who catch-up gamebirds (pheasants, partridges or ducks). Here is an overview of these new legal obligations and some frequently asked questions about the practice of catching-up.
9/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog under: Policy
the Petitions Committee is set to debate ““Make the use of free-running snares illegal for trapping wildlife” on 9th January and the GWCT has briefed Nick Fletcher MP who will lead the debate as well as other MPs who might be involved.
5/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog under: Grey partridge
Over the course of the PARTRIDGE project, the GWCT has hosted up to three new students each year – always sad to see them leave but equally excited for the next students to arrive. Over the years it has been a pleasure to employ some extremely talented undergraduates from across the UK. Here, several of our past students share some of their highlights since finishing their placement with the PARTRIDGE project, and their achievements and experiences make a very interesting read!
5/1/2023 in: GWCT News Blog
You only have until 24th January to enter our Grand Grouse Draw where you could win a day's driven grouse shooting for 8 guns in the Lammermuir hills plus accommodation for 16 guests.