
Unsnaring the Debate: The Scottish Government's Proposal to Ban Snaring

Fox -with -a -Rabbit -wwwdavidmasonimagescom

The Scottish Government has announced that it intends to bring forward amendments to the Wildlife Management and Muirburn Bill to ban the use of snares in Scotland.

We are naturally very disappointed with the announcement to ban all snares, including the AIHTS-approved humane cable restraints (HCRs) which GWCT has invested many thousands of hours developing in response to welfare concerns.

We note that the Scottish Government draws on a report from the British Veterinary Association and British Veterinary Zoological Society to support its position to ban the use of snares. It is unfortunate that there is no commentary within the report on evaluation of HCRs nor that in identifying alternatives to the acknowledged need for predator control, these must be assessed on the same welfare evaluation criteria as restraints.

Where we feel a sense of balance has been lost in this decision is in responding to the biodiversity crisis. Time and again, our research has demonstrated that predator control can transform the fortunes of vulnerable ground-nesting birds such as Curlew and Lapwing, most of which are red and amber-listed. Protecting and recovering these birds will now become much harder unless provision is made to retain the use of the humane cable restraint under licence arrangements.

The Scottish Government has announced that there will be a consultation on prohibiting all snares. GWCT will be responding to this and will make our submission available to members who wish to draw on the evidence we set out in drafting their own responses.

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Humane snaring

at 5:29 on 06/09/2023 by Philip Brown

Reading between the bureaucratic lines the Scots wanted a ban and the Veterinary groups' reports gave them a justification. Read those reports carefully, if you are going to participate in the "consultation". I have seen too many studies used for things like this that were taken out of context, misquoted, or out-right irrelevant. Also check study size and methodology. The Scottish Government will still want their "ban on inhumane devices" but it will be harder if the supporting papers can be called into question.

Snaring ban for Scotland

at 22:05 on 05/09/2023 by Gavin Meerwald

With the Green Party holding together the Scottish government it's not surprising this has arisen. It's also no surprise that they selected reports that choose to ignore the positive use of HCR. All the previous commentators above are completely right. Governments of all flavours are only interested in paying lip-service to the vocal, bleeding hearts who have absolutely no idea of what is required to maintain the beautiful countryside we have.

Government / Snaring /Complete destruction!.

at 21:15 on 05/09/2023 by Nicholas Gibb

I agree, I think the politicians are either not brave enough to stand up against their peers, or they’re all delusional. Banning the control of predators will wipe out so many other species. Already we are seeing species that are supposedly having thousands if not millions invested in, in order to protect them, yet by the same hand these same characters are allowing or promoting the very introduction of species or the banning of control methods that threaten the very species they are trying to protect. Where is the logic? I know there is a logic that, well they were here before us! The answer to that though, if they were so good or of benefit to us, why were they persecuted or did they die out? .why reintroduce a species that is going to threaten another beyond our abilities to control. Other countries have tried before and literally paid the price! Why would we follow their mistakes? Snaring is vital in many areas! If we don’t manage, protect, look after our countryside, then the easy answer is, there will be nothing for the Urban people to come here for! There will be nothing attractive to look at, it will become run down and unloved! Whether it be concrete buildings, Wind turbines, or rough roads that won’t be maintained. You can grow trees, but unless the countryside is looked after, you won’t be able to harvest the tree. or transport it to wherever due to poor roads network etc. Who’s going to look after the tree crops? There are so many angles that people, unless they live and work the countryside, not forgetting that every piece of ground is slightly different, what works here, may not work there! Unless we start using our heads, our future generations, regardless of climate change and global whatever, WILL HAVE NOTHING LEFT ANYWAY! Wildlife needs managed! We need managed! Plants and crops need managed. Balances are required! Tip the scales too much, we might never regain that balance!

Fox snaring

at 16:43 on 05/09/2023 by J Smith

Having hundreds of foxes under my belt, I can say that the most effective method of control is using snares, or was until we were no longer allowed to put them in fences and hedges. The purpose of the exercise is to catch vermin and not to provide sport, so why make the job more difficult? The result of the ban will be more people out at night with high powered rifles capable of lethal accidents at ranges of several miles. Is this really what the Scottish government wants?

Ludicrous idea to ban snares and hcrs

at 13:50 on 05/09/2023 by Robert smith

Yet again British wildlife let down by a government that neither knows or cares. Very disappointing. Goodbye curlew goodbye golden plover goodbye lapwing. Absolute bunch of clowns. I’m sure they will be proud to tell their grandchildren it was their foolishness that signed the death certificate for British waders etc.


at 12:52 on 05/09/2023 by Martin J Steven

As the world moves to an ever increasing Urban environment dominated by AI it is of no surprise that modern politicians are only interested in urban affairs and see the countryside purely from the point of providing cheap food and as a place for city dwellers to blow off steam. As Wild Justice, the RSPB and all Conservationists are about to find out, Modern Politics is about meeting the needs of a Consumer based urban society, who know nothing of the countryside and care little about nature, as well as those of “Big Business” . And tackling climate change, preserving biodiversity and saving species are all tertiary to that. Wild Justice are in reality still fighting the “Class War” and their determination to ban hunting has no environmental basis whatsoever. If they succeed it will be a piric victory as the countryside disappears under a sea of concrete, tarmac and commercial forestry.

Humane snaring

at 11:06 on 31/08/2023 by Nicholas Forman Hardy

The Scottish Government knows little and cares even less about ground nesting birds. Sadly the RSPB is only interested in "Killing birds" of prey. It appears that the Scottish Government is only interested in Killers as well and will not protect the many species of ground nesting birds, their chick requirements to survive and the importance of Muirburn to help with chick food and a balanced approach to the life on the hill. They have even given up, or never started on trying to save the Capercaillie. It is time the Government handed over the handling of wild bird species management and let those with knowledge run our wildlife and it should not be done by people with political motives . They should look after all birds, our nature deserves it.

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