All this week the BBC Radio 4 Farming Today programme has been exploring the future of salmon, both farmed and wild. This morning they spoke to Stuart Singleton-White, representing the Missing Salmon Alliance (MSA), about the pressures that wild salmon face and what can be done to give wild salmon a better chance of survival. Stuart explained how our research, particularly in the SAMARCH project is leading to policy recommendations and practical management advice that can improve the outlook for wild salmon.
Click here to listen to the MSA interview on Radio 4 >
The MSA is comprised of the following members:
Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Atlantic Salmon Trust, the Angling Trust with Fish Legal, The Rivers Trust and Fisheries Management Scotland.
The SAMARCH project is part funded by the EU Interreg France (Channel) England Programme.
The partners in the SAMARCH project:
UK - Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, University of Exeter, Environment Agency, Salmon & Trout Conservation, Bournemouth University
France – INRAE, I’insitut Agro Rennes Angers, Office Francais de la Biodiversité, Seine-Normandie Migrateurs, Bretagne Grands Migateurs