The RSPB has called for an immediate moratorium on release of gamebirds in UK countryside
Defra and the game management sector recognise the significant threat posed by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) to the UK’s precious wild bird populations. There is already a ban on releasing gamebirds in all control zones, and businesses that wish to release them outside of zones are required to maintain stringent biosecurity standards and report any signs of avian influenza to minimise the spread of disease. This is standard good practice on game shoots.
Dr Roger Draycott, Director of Advisory and Gamebird Policy at GWCT commented: “The RSPB’s position is not based on scientific evidence and if enacted would unquestionably lead to a reduction in activities including habitat provision and management, supplementary feeding and targeted predation management, all of which have been scientifically proven to deliver significant biodiversity benefits to the British countryside. These would be lost if there was a moratorium on gamebird releasing and management as proposed by RSPB.”