16/11/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT in the media , GWCT Partners
sudden and marked increase in the numbers of wildlife incidents that involve the powerfulrodenticide brodifacoum has been identified by the government-run Wildlife Incident InvestigationScheme (WIIS). Some involve either negligent misuse or intentional abuse to harm wildlife.
10/11/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: Shop
We just wanted to let you know that our 2022 Christmas card stocks are running very low.
2/11/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: Policy , Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Advice
You would think that there would be a single term to describe the removal of surface vegetation such as scrub, heather and grasses using fire. But this is not the case. There are regional terms, legislative terms and then just plainly incorrect terms resulting in nine possible descriptors for a single practice.
1/11/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: Allerton Project , Farming , Farmland Ecology
The GWCT Allerton Project is looking for ten wheat farmers in the Nestlé/Purina supply chain in the East (Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Northants) to work together to baseline, trial, train, benchmark, network and innovate their way towards net zero.
31/10/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: Policy
28/10/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT Scotland , GWCT in the media , Letters , Waders
The plight of waders breeding in the UK is well known. All of our familiar species are in serious decline and we hear frequent warnings about local extinctions for some of them. Well known causes of decline are a loss of quality habitat due to changes in land use and intensified agricultural practices, and we are seeing increased losses of wader nests to a variety of predators.
27/10/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT Partners
JD IP is my Intellectual Property consultancy and day job. The business has been based in North Somerset near Bristol since 2015 and works with clients here in the UK as well as abroad.
27/10/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: Policy
The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill – often termed the Brexit Freedoms Bill – and the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill (LURB) have caused much consternation amongst environmental NGOs as both have mechanisms that will result in the current EU-derived environmental legislative framework changing. But is this cause for concern? Surely it’s what was expected from Brexit?
26/10/2022 in: GWCT News Blog
Our 2022 Gun Draw closes in just 4 weeks. Once again William Powell have kindly provided us with an unbelievable prize.
24/10/2022 in: GWCT News Blog under: Policy
This last quarter (July to September) has seen the policy team in England respond to three Defra consultations/calls for evidence (on the Biodiversity Net Gain metric, deer management and Green Finance) and three select committee inquiries (on ELMS progress, food security and sustainable timber).