14/7/2021 in: GWCT News Blog
Each development stage of a barn owl chick is crucial to increase their chances of successfully fledging, so we take this opportunity to look back at these important stages before the chicks in the Owl Box LIVE nest start to fledge.
12/7/2021 in: GWCT News Blog under: Advice
This week (12th to 18th July) is Bees Needs Week, so what better time than to think about supporting bees and other pollinators on the shoot?
12/7/2021 in: GWCT News Blog
Harry Townshend ran 100 miles all in one go. And he did it in aid of GWCT. Even though I saw him do some of it, and kept track of all of it, I find it hard to get my head round what he did.
8/7/2021 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT Wales
Behind the scenes with GWCT Wales Projects Manager Lee Oliver as part of the Elwy Valley SMS Project developing bark stripping survey methodologies, working alongside Dr Craig Shuttleworth from The Red Squirrel Trust.
5/7/2021 in: GWCT News Blog
5/7/2021 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT Partners
St David’s Game Bird Services have been working in close collaboration with other vet practices and shooting organisations to prepare the launch of a new Pen Scoring Matrix this summer which aims to better assess the environment, health and welfare of game birds prior to release.
1/7/2021 in: GWCT News Blog under: Letters
30/6/2021 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Policy
The recent debate on driven grouse shooting revealed two very different attitudes to management. Those opposed to banning grouse shooting regard the management of grouse moors as a constructive action supporting biodiversity and other public goods and services; those supporting a ban see management as artificial and destructive. So who is right?
30/6/2021 in: GWCT News Blog
Take part in the biggest annual survey of the shooting community and you could win a Loden Field Coat from Purdey worth more than £900.
29/6/2021 in: GWCT News Blog under: Letters
We need some much more detailed scientific investigation before we unreservedly welcome beavers back into the British countryside.