Written by James Swyer, Press & Publications Manager
1 Minute Read

It is alarming to see the imbalance caused by garden bird feeders laid out for clearly (Feeding birds in our gardens is a joy – but it may be harming weaker species, 25 August). Whilst well-intentioned, reports that it is boosting numbers of our more common garden birds and, in turn, threatening their subordinate counterparts, such as the willow tit and pied flycatcher should be a real cause for concern. Improving habitat, be it on farmland or in gardens, is essential for a balanced and thriving birdlife, particularly those insectivores unlikely to benefit from the banquet laid out on a bird table. With garden bird food becoming a lucrative business, including for big conservation charities, surely it’s time these proceeds went to understanding its impact and giving the public better guidance before we lose some of our much-loved species?