As one of the most ancient activities of human beings, fieldsports have been slow to adapt to modern times. Some may wonder whether the digital age will ever reach our sport and what benefits it could prove to bring for the individual, their family, and their countryside…
Founded in 2018, MyFieldsports (known as MyHunt in the rest of the world) sets out to prove how effective organisation, planning and execution of your sporting activities in a digitalized way can benefit not only your shooting and stalking experience, but additionally how it can prove the benefits of shooting to conservation and can be a great tool for the wider community.

Founded by a well-known Swiss family with a passion for sustainable shooting and stalking, they started the company with a long-term vision towards benefitting the wider fieldsports community in Europe, the UK, and eventually the world.
Initially, it was a tool for organizing your area, farm, forest or other land resources, which allowed you to locate your feeders, high-seats and many other points of interest, plus record your sightings and harvest of all game species for your personal records. This has developed much further, with driven shoot safety features, locating other guns or beaters, a joint management tool for your area, a diary of your experiences, and a magazine for delivering you the most relevant news from the most notable organisations and magazines in fieldsports across the continent.
Expansion and development are driven by user experience and local adaptation to conditions in different countries, alongside the needs of various partners and local and national associations for research. Currently, new features are constantly under development and being released on an almost bi-weekly basis, with major steps forward planned for this year being the hardware integrations of cameras, dog-trackers and shot counters, as well the web version to make the process of entering your data simpler.
Resulting from close partnerships in Europe with the CIC and FACE, who combined represent all major national fieldsports associations and government bodies, we have been working closely to develop a universal tool for detailed research into populations, distribution, harvest data, invasive alien species and much more. In line with the company’s commitment to sustainable shooting and stalking, this data is only ever collected with the user’s prior consent, distributed to recognized partners and in an anonymized form. No one will ever know the exact details of your prize stag unless you choose to share it! The data is only used to benefit our sport in a private manner.
Whether you are currently out stalking roebuck, planning your grouse butts, or rearing your pheasants, the tools from MyFieldports can greatly improve your accuracy, organisation and safety out in the field.
The adaptation process of features to the UK, for individual users and scientific research, is ongoing and dependent on your support! Give it a go in the field this season and send us your experiences, ideas and improvements for your environment.
For more information on collaboration opportunities or further details, please contact our partner manager, Tristan B. Breijer FRGS on tristan.breijer@hunterco.de.
Download the apps from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, or visit us at: www.hunterco.de/en