With the lead ban becoming more and more apparent, we at W Horton & Sons have been working hard on a solution to the problem imposed on so many shots who own guns that are not steel proofed.
Now while many could stand up to standard steel shot, the inferior ballistic characteristics of steel means to achieve parity, or close to lead you need superior steel shot which packs more oomph. It is this extra oomph and the pressures on discharge that will place so many family heirlooms outside of the law and moreover render them worthless.
Obviously we won’t divulge the detail of the solution we have pioneered as we prefer to protect our competitive advantage. However, we can tell you that it does not involve any form of sleeving and it has been proven in both proof tests and in the field. The barrels do need to be dent free and in reasonable order with at least 24 thou barrels wall thickness and within lead proof measurements to start with.
The turnaround time of conducting such a procedure is likely to be 3 months, what you will get back if the barrels meet the criteria above is a set of barrels proofed for superior steel shot. So your old gun will still be usable in the field. This service is open to both trade and public. The cost of the service is £1500 per barrel set.
If you would like to get in touch to discuss this service, call 0121 369 1855 or email info@hortonguns.co.uk.