Last weeks news
The situation we are currently facing through the spread of COVID-19 changes much of how we live our lives, but – where safe– we are trying to continue as much possible.
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The game management community, like all others, is reeling from the impacts of the coronavirus crisis. There is much uncertainty across the sector about the potential impacts on game shooting over the next 12 months. Of particular concern are what the prospects are for the forthcoming shooting season.
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While we welcome the BBC highlighting the decline of grey partridge in Britain (Short Cuts, Radio 4, 24 March), sadly the reporters have their numbers all wrong.
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A new paper from the GWCT’s Head of Farmland Ecology, Professor John Holland, has been published in the journal Insects, discussing Conservation Biological Control.
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A recently published study into the breeding and dispersal of capercaillie in Strathspey undertaken over four years from 2016-2019 has concluded that, without further managed landscape-scale intervention to improve breeding success, it is likely that the already threatened species will continue to decline.
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