These are extraordinarily difficult times. We don’t yet know what the next few weeks and months might have in store, but will be doing all we can to keep getting information to you as regularly as possible. Much has already had to change. We recently made an announcement about our events, which have been suspended until further notice.
Events and courses have an important role, not just in the finances of the charity, but also the social and educational involvement of those passionate about our countryside. Many of you will be staying at home or restricting your social interaction, but we want to make sure you can stay up-to-date with the latest developments in our work.
Three ways you can stay in touch
Sign up for our free newsletter
While we, like most organisations, have had disruption to our normal way of working, we are doing all we can to keep our communication going. Our free newsletter, sent each Tuesday, is the best place to start. Over 50,000 people get it every Click here to sign up now.
Read the latest issue of Gamewise
We understand that you have a number of new priorities at the moment, but there is also a need to take time to unwind where you can. We have made the latest edition of our members magazine, Gamewise, free to read online. Members will have received it earlier this month, but those without a paper copy can read about our latest research into lapwing, salmon and much more across 68 pages. Read it here.
For those wanting more news, get our free Morning Briefing
The news is understandably bleak at the moment. While newspapers and TV are dominated by essential updates, there is still a lot going in the world of conservation. Legal challenges, policy changes and new research are all on-going, but are difficult to find. Our free Morning Briefing email, sent every weekday morning, puts all of these stories in one place for you. Sign up free here.
As the situation is ever-changing, we will keep you updated as often as possible. We hope to be able to undertake a full season of fieldwork and to keep our research output at a normal rate. Many staff, like those across the country, are working from home, but we our phonelines remain open, as does the GWCT shop. We appreciate your patience at this time.