
The Gamekeepers Welfare Trust – There to help

Welfare Trust

In these unprecedented times, gamekeepers and their families can hit on all sorts of snags and worries that would not normally occur. Many keepers will be continuing to work, but others may be restricted, furloughed, and in extreme cases made redundant. Managing and keeping up spirits during the coronavirus lockdown can be especially trying when you live a remote life in a remote place.

As always, the Gamekeepers Welfare Trust is there to help whatever the problem, and you do not need to be a member of any organisation to qualify for help. From advice and support, to grant aid in difficult times, GWT is there. You do not need to be in crisis to qualify for help. Small problems can grow large, and are better nipped in the bud, so if you have worries, please don’t hesitate to be in touch.    

Contact details:



Jamies Helpline:  0300 1233088

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