This weeks news
The GWCT has produced a survey to capture the detail that Defra has said it is looking for in its new consultation. As with the previous consultation, we will collate and anonymise the information before submitting it to Defra on your behalf.
Rural groups look to secure the future of shooting: Our joint letter to the Times on lead ammunition
Animal right activists may oppose pheasant shooting on a farm run by Reading University but perhaps they might pause to consider the rights of farmland birds.
Controlled burning saves moorlands, not destroys them: Our Letter to Cambrian News
Markus Braun is right to be concerned about climate change, but is wrong to suggest that burning should not be used to control fire-load on our uplands
Highly-acclaimed grey partridge accolade won by gamekeeper
Gamekeeper Adam Steed has scooped the 2019 East Anglian Grey Partridge Award.
This year's IUGB congress
The International Union of Game Biologists is a diverse group of academics and managers that work towards the sustainable use of game and wildlife resources.

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