After months of stakeholder engagement with Natural Resources Wales over General Licences, the NRW Board decided on Thursday 19 September to agree a proposal which the GWCT do not support.
We have significant concerns that our scientific evidence, technical expertise and experience in General Licence issues have not been taken into account and that the scientific evidence review process and conclusions drawn from it are deeply flawed.
We are particularly concerned about the proposed new general licence to conserve wild birds, of which the GWCT has seen a final draft. If this is the version which NRW publish, then we firmly believe it will be to the detriment of the conservation of wild birds in Wales.
The GWCT and other rural organisations have made our concerns very clear to NRW who have ignored our science and advice and have not provided any scientific or legal justification for making the proposed changes.
Further details will materialise over the next few days and we will publish our evidence and any further updates on this matter on our website.

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