This weeks news
THE current state of our hedgerows and field margins are assessed in a new book.
NUMBERS of woodcock were higher than expected across most of Britain this winter, with parts of southern England recording numbers well above average.
THE GWCT is on the road again for its second series of in-demand roadshows.
The GWCT is grateful to be receiving proceeds from the Wykeham Charity Clay Pigeon Shoot for the third year running.
This weeks blogs
A few weeks ago, we posted a blog about our annual field-trip to Cornwall where the Woodcock Watch team are running a long-term mark-and-recapture study.
Our letter sent to The Field on Wednesday 13 March.
Our letter sent to BBC Wildlife on Thursday 14 March.
Last year the RSPB asked the High Court to clarify if Natural England’s decision to issue a licence to trial hen harrier brood management was lawful.
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