The GWCT Wales team are in regular contact with Natural Resources Wales (NRW), providing scientific evidence and discussing the practicalities of the General Licence situation. We are asking our members and others to submit their own examples of jackdaw and rook predation and rook and woodpigeon crop damage to us. Your responses will help and support our position in retaining species currently listed for control on the licences. You can do so by leaving a comment below or emailing mgoodall@gwct.org.uk
The current NRW position is: “NRW wants to make sure that our licencing system is robust and proportionate, carefully balancing the needs of wildlife and people. Following legal advice, we are carrying out a systematic review of the evidence base, and this may mean changes in the way we issue some of our General Licences. Our new procedures and licences will come to effect in mid-August and we will liaise with stakeholders in advance of any changes.”