It is disheartening to see the decline of turtle doves and other birds (Farms fall silent as famished birds take flight, Nov 9) – but with the right conservation methods, fantastic results can be achieved.
At the Allerton Project, we doubled our songbird numbers in just three years by improving habitat, providing food and controlling some nest predators. We can turn this into a national result if we use the money paid out to farmers under the Common Agricultural Policy to do the same.
Dr Alastair Leake
Director of policy at Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust
What do we do?
- We use science to promote game and wildlife management as an essential part of nature conservation.
- We develop scientifically researched game and wildlife management techniques.
- We promote our work to conservationists, including farmers and landowners and offer an on-site advisory service on all aspects of game and wildlife management, so that Britain’s countryside and its wildlife are enhanced for the public benefit.
- We influence government policy with sound science that creates progressive and effective policies.
- We support best practice for field sports that contribute to improving the biodiversity of the countryside.
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What do we believe?
- Scientific research should underpin sustainable conservation practice.
- Game and wildlife management is the foundation of good conservation.
- Field sports (in particular shooting and fishing) can contribute substantially to the conservation of landscape, habitat and wildlife.
- Humane and targeted predator control is an essential part of effective game and wildlife conservation.
- We utterly oppose those who engage in wildlife crime.
- Good conservation goes hand-in-hand with economic land use.
How your money is spent
- We spent over £5m on vital game and wildlife research and public education in 2017.
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