By Andrew Gilruth, GWCT Communications Director
The rise of social media has fuelled the interest in Westminster debates. In the last 12 months there has been one on lead ammunition and another on the use of snares. Now the Petitions Committee has announced that it will hold a debate on driven grouse shooting.
Grouse shooting debate
Unlike the previous two debates, mentioned above, the Committee would like to receive evidence before announcing a date. Whilst they will be hearing evidence, they would also welcome written contributions from people who want to share their expertise on this subject. There are two petitions:
Would you like to inform the debate?
In particular, the Committee would welcome evidence on the following points:
1. Should the law on grouse shooting be changed? If so, how?
2. What effect does grouse shooting have on wildlife and the environment?
3. What role does grouse shooting play in rural life, especially the rural economy?
What will be happening next?
The GWCT will be making a written submission – but so can you. There are some basic format guidance notes here. In summary, write your experience and expertise in Word, keep it under 3,000 words and submit it online here before 5 October 2016. Remember to include:
1) Any recommendations for action by the government or others
2) Any factual information you have to offer from which the Committee:
a) might be able to draw conclusions, or
b) which could be put to other witnesses for their reactions
Want to brief your Westminster MP?
We can expect the Petition Committee to schedule the debate in late October or early November. In preparation for this the GWCT will keep updating factual Q&A papers such as the one here for those involved in the debate. Please do use these to help brief your Westminster MP.
Please help us brief MPs with the scientific evidence