For generations, people have done the same old things, day in, day out. We still travel the world, but the time it takes is now measured in hours not days. We still use computers, but now our mobile phones have more computing power than NASA needed to put a man on the moon.
A shoot owner still needs a way to advertise their shoot, while a gun still needs to find a shoot that suits their budget, has the right quarry and is located in a place they wish to visit.
GunsOnPegs is all about using the technology that is now available to us. To make everyone’s lives easier, so you can spend more time doing the things you love – or need to do.
It’s about giving options to our members.
Are you a single gun or a full team looking for a day?
GunsOnPegs can help you find a peg, a day or a years’ worth of shooting or stalking for you or your team.
- Do you love shooting driven pheasants?
- Are you after a cracking day on the pigeons?
- Do you want to shoot classic partridges on your back door step?
- Do you want to stalk red stags in Scotland, or hunt plain games in Africa?

We have over 1,200 shoots and 4,000 shoot owners
We offer a huge variety of game species at variable budgets, all across the world but with the United Kingdom as our primary focus.
- Do you want to advertise to a target market, where not just a lot of eyes, but the right eyes will be looking at your advertisements?
- Do you want the ability to instantaneously advertise your shoot to our 84,000+ members?
It’s about GunsOnPegs making the shooting world a little smaller, bringing the entire market into one easily accessible place.
And it’s free.

You can buy and sell shooting for free, but just like anything in life, even free has its limits.
Do you have a lot of days you need selling? A lot more bucks or cull animals around this year? Do you want your estate to jump out of the page and scream “PICK ME” rather than waiting for our members to find it?
Do you want your own bespoke shoot booking service? Be the first to get hot offers from our shoots and attend our exclusive GunsOnPegs events like the World Gunmakers Evening, where you can rub shoulders with the best in the business?
GunsOnPegs has different membership and advertising levels to match what you want and need
GunsOnPegs has it all
- £430 Million – the total spend on shooting by our members this season
- 371,000 – the average number of days shooting our members will buy this year
- 90% - the percentage of our members spending more or the same on shooting this year
We will always work hard towards bringing shoots and guns together, but the process we use – well, I guess we will just have to see where the future takes us.
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