by Carlos Sánchez, GWCT Wetlands Ecologist
The GWCT's Nick Sotherton, Roger Draycott and Carlos Sánchez recently took part in a joint “Spanish/British small game management meeting” held in the central Spanish city of Ciudad Real.

The three day conference took place from 25-27th September and involved talks from the GWCT team, IREC (Spanish Institute of Game Research), APROCA (equivalent to UK CLA) and ASICAZA (Spanish Association of Game Meat producers).
The GWCT scientists delivered five presentations covering details about our work, habitat management, predator control and releasing for re-introduction.
The feedback from the 35 delegates was very positive and on the last day of the conference a shoot walk was conducted at a well-managed estate to the east of Ciudad Real, devoted to wild red-legged partridges.
We would like to thank APROCA, Ciencia y Caza, sponsors and delegates who made this meeting possible.
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