
Monitoring lapwings at Auchnerran: The importance of colour ringing

Here at Auchnerran, we’ve been actively participating in a colour ringing scheme for lapwings since 2018. Over the past few years, we’ve ringed both adult lapwings and their larger chicks, marking them with a distinctive yellow flag above their right knee. So, if you happen to spot a lapwing sporting this mark, there’s a good chance it’s one of ours!

Auchnerran ringed lapwing

Colour ringing is an invaluable tool for scientists like us, providing essential insights into the movements, behaviour, and migration patterns of these fascinating birds. With just a pair of binoculars, bird enthusiasts and citizen scientists can play a crucial role in helping us track the movements of colour-ringed lapwings. The data collected is particularly valuable because lapwings are known for their strong nest site fidelity, meaning they often return to the same nesting sites year after year. When we record sightings of these colour-ringed birds, we can gather information on individual birds returning to Auchnerran, offering a unique glimpse into their life cycles.

This data is more important than ever. Lapwing populations have been in decline due to factors such as changes in agriculture, land use, and the loss of suitable habitats. By tracking their movements and understanding their habitat preferences, we can work towards restoring these environments and, hopefully, increasing their numbers.

Ringing lapwing

This year alone, we’ve colour ringed 20 lapwings and even one curlew at Auchnerran. If you happen to see a bird with colour rings, please report your sighting. Each report adds to a growing dataset that helps us and other conservationists understand how best to support these brilliant birds.

Your contributions, no matter how small, can make a big difference in our efforts to protect and preserve the lapwing population. Together, we can ensure that these birds continue to thrive for generations to come.


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