On 2nd June we will be hosting a bumblebee identification course at GWSDF Auchnerran, delivered by the Bumblebee Conservation Trust.
The course is free and will be a great opportunity for anyone interested to learn more about these fascinating insects, their life-style and requirements, and how to identify different species and perhaps distinguish different castes.
This is very important for us at GWSDF as we hope to improve the farmed habitat for bumblebees and other pollinators in the future. We are currently exploring the use of habitats by bumblebees and hope to add various nectar-rich plant mixes wherever we can to provide better food resources for a longer period of the year, in the hope this will boost numbers.
Photo credit Bumblebee Conservation Trust
This is important as bumblebees are widely reported as being in decline at present due to many pressures, including the use of various pesticides, general land use changes and even the increase in badgers, which are partial to bumblebee nests occasionally.
Book your free place now
If you would like to come along, please click here and complete the brief registration form. We look forward to seeing you there!