By Marlies Nicolai, Research Assistant at Auchnerran
The last couple of years at GWSDF Auchnerran have highlighted the huge abundance of breeding waders on the site, with lapwing, curlew, oystercatcher, woodcock and snipe present in droves. 2017 counts on 480ha of land reveal:
- Lapwing: approx. 60 pairs
- Oystercatcher: approx. 20 pairs
- Curlew: approx. 10 pairs
- Woodcock: 26 roding males
Here are a few photographs from the 2017 monitoring season, illustrating the fantastic array of species and some interesting behaviours witnessed this year by the research staff:

Lapwing defending territory

Incubating Curlew

Curlew chick
The Lapwing is currently our focal species and a lot of effort was put into finding nests and following their progress by the team of field workers.

Lapwing nest
As part of this work, we estimate the age of Lapwing chicks into five categories:

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Camera trap image of Lapwing on nest with chicks

Lauren Fisher (Masters Student) & Ruth Highley (Field Assistant Intern) looking for nests.

Checking Curlew chick for ticks and overall body condition

Rare sighting of a snipe chick