Spring is now well on its way at our Scottish Demonstration Farm. Recent warm weather has caused an explosion of life; leaves returning to the silver birch forests, gorse in full bloom, and, of course, many young animals.

A view of the farm, looking onto the moor. Spot the group of hares.

The beautiful silver birch forest on the farm is alive with birdsong.

Pansies are flourishing in a game crop plot that is yet to be sown.

Gorse on the farm is in full bloom; you can smell its sweet, coconut scent as you walk past.

Blossom on a cherry tree.

Lambing got off to a rocky start with the first lambs born in snow and illness striking the flock, but the lambs are now flourishing thanks to the hard work of Allan Wright, farm manager.

The large rabbit population has led to an explosion of baby rabbits all over the farm, and many cute photo opportunities.

Hares enjoy the spring time sunshine in the farm, as well as the occasional boxing match (unfortunately not caught on camera).

A red squirrel nibbles a pine cone in the woods on the farm.

The many lapwing nests on the farm are hatching and there are tiny little fluffy chicks running about in many of the fields on the farm.

A lapwing. At the time the photo it was taken it was making it’s distinctive ‘pewit’ call, probably in defence of nearby chicks.

The farm is not only busy with wildlife but also with people, as we have four masters students undertaking projects on the farm. Here we see Marlies Nicolai, research assistant, and Lauren Fisher, masters student, testing out some of our new kit. We use these telescopes to spot lapwing nests and chicks.