The UK Government has set targets to help species of particular concern and has appointed us as lead partner for the grey partridge. This species was once a common farmland bird. We need your help to reverse its decline, and drive its UK population from its present low numbers to 90,000 pairs by 2010.
Regional Grey Partridge Groups
We support a network of regional grey partridge groups that hold demonstrations and field visits organised by our advisory and research staff. These half-day events cover a range of partridge management techniques including habitat improvement, winter cover and feeding, nesting and brood-rearing cover, predation control, reintroduction, rearing and relevant agri-environment schemes. Individual members of these groups provide input into our national Partridge Count Scheme, one of the largest farmer-led monitoring schemes in Europe.
The groups are of key importance in bringing interested parties together to inform, enthuse and share how to manage their land for grey partridges.
Planned BAP Group days are listed in our events section.
Price per person
Regional Grey Partridge Group meetings cost £14 per person including VAT unless otherwise stated.