Farmland Biodiversity Advisor
Megan facilitates two large Farmer Clusters, undertaking ecological surveys, planning and overseeing habitat connection, creation and management, and provides training and events. She also delivers GWCT Advisory services and manages several individual client portfolios.
What is your favourite GWCT wildlife project or initiative?
It is hard to have a favourite GWCT project or initiative as I fully support all of them, but Farmer Clusters are at my core – landscape-scale conservation, working with those who own and manage the land, which achieve so much together for nature together.
What is the best thing about your job?
As a Farmland Biodiversity Advisor I have the pleasure of working with so many proactive and engaged farmers, gamekeepers and land managers through GWCT Advisory contracts and within the two Farmer Clusters I have the pleasure of being the facilitator for.
I am out most days in the field, surveying and monitoring the corners of the countryside that people don’t see, working with those who quietly deliver benefits for soil health, water quality and wildlife by creating and managing habitats, at a landscape-scale through collaboration AND working relentlessly to feed the nation.
I also work with a fantastic bunch of talented, dedicated and fun colleagues whose knowledge never ceases to amaze me!
What advice would you give to your younger self?
You’ve got this! Take every opportunity and have more confidence in yourself!