Louise Shervington

Publications Officer

Louise ShervingtonLouise has worked at the GWCT for more than 20 years and is responsible for the editing, design and layout of GWCT’s members magazine Gamewise, as well as many science reports. She has always been interested in wildlife and lives in the New Forest with Austin, who works as a New Forest keeper. She is often joined in the office by her four-legged assistants, Amber and Truffle, and when not at work is to be found out riding in the forest, bringing on her young horse.

What is your favourite GWCT wildlife project or initiative?

The work looking at curlew nesting on the New Forest. It shows how much effort is needed to save our ground-nesting birds and how even if you increase hatching success by improving habitat and controlling predators, the fledged birds still face many challenges to survive to adulthood.

What is the best thing about your job?

I love looking for striking images to illustrate our science to catch people’s eye and draw them in. Producing Gamewise, our members magazine, is a highlight as it showcases our research, showing how relevant it is to the wider countryside, keeping our members informed and also helping to communicate our core messages to a new audience. I don’t think people realise how wide-ranging our research is, as I can be looking for pictures of barn owls, black grouse, and snipe one day and solitary bees, water voles and eels the next.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Volunteer and get as much work experience as you can. Don’t be afraid to ask as most people are happy to share their knowledge and impart advice.