Principal Scientist – Farmland Ecology & GIS
Julie grew up on a mixed farm in northeast Nebraska, USA, and received her PhD from Glasgow University, joining the GWCT in 1995. She manages the GWCT’s Sussex Study, National Gamebag Census, the Partridge Count Scheme, heads our GIS (Geographical Information Science) team and manages the GWCT’s Data Scientist. Her research involves utilising long-term and spatial datasets to explore the effects of agricultural intensification on grey partridges, invertebrates, arable flora, and the arable environment on which they all depend.
What is your favourite GWCT wildlife project or initiative?
My favourite project has to be the Sussex Study – combining my interest in farming and farmland flora and fauna. Growing up on a farm in northeast Nebraska means that I do understand the challenges farmers face, and also the excitement in seeing rare plants in grassland or sitting watching wildlife on your farm. Helping to understand how farming and farmland biodiversity interact is what it is all about.
What is the best thing about your job?
Being involved with the land managers is one of the things I most enjoy about my job. I love using data to help provide solutions to problems – that includes not only statistical analysis but also looking at solutions at a landscape scale using maps.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Everyone else is just as nervous as you are; do it anyway. Half the battle is just persevering.