Gifts in Wills help the GWCT to make a meaningful difference in the countryside. Your legacy can be thriving wildlife and an active, well-managed countryside for generations to come.
Our team of 80 scientists undertake research throughout England, Scotland and Wales, covering subjects ranging from pheasant releasing to soil health, and the importance of predator control through to sea trout survival.
The legacy of this work, undertaken across generations, can be seen throughout the fields, farms and moors of Britain. It also lives on in government policy, the agri-environment schemes available to farmers and land managers and our robust responses to consultations.
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Your legacy can secure a better future for those who love the British countryside
However you use our countryside, we are sure you would like it to thrive for your children, grandchildren and future generations. Right now, there are increasing challenges to the traditional and proven ways of managing the countryside for wildlife and these will only grow stronger. Our research provides a robust, peer-reviewed case for doing what works.
No other organisation has the same relationship with those working on the ground delivering real change. Without the GWCT, who would provide the scientific argument that puts facts at the centre of policy and practice in our countryside?
I’d like to support the GWCT, but I don’t have a lot of money or property. What can I do?
As I said above, any gift makes a meaningful difference to the GWCT. We understand that you want to look after your family and friends at what will be a very difficult time. We receive gifts of all sizes: sometimes 1% of someone’s estate, sometimes £100, sometimes more. We are very grateful to anyone who chooses to remember us.
Writing a Will seems very complicated, how do I make sure you get my gift?
To leave a gift, all you need is our name, address, and charity number, as follows:
Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Burgate Manor, Fordingbridge SP6 1EF
Registered charity number: 1112023
To confirm your intentions, you should include a simple clause in your will stating that you would like to leave a certain percentage of your estate or a specific sum of money to the GWCT. If you need further guidance, you can contact a solicitor for help.
Can I change my Will to leave a gift to GWCT after I have written it?
Yes, you can change your Will at any time. If you want to leave a gift to charity, you can either update your existing Will or make a new one.
What are the tax benefits of leaving a gift to charity in my Will?
Gifts left to charity in a Will are exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT). This means that the value of your gift will not be counted towards the total value of your estate for IHT purposes.
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